Jan 7, 2022·edited Jan 7, 2022Liked by Sherman Leung

this is really awesome! love the thoughts around virtualizing triaging + cutting out unnecessary in-person interactions/commutes.

feel like the crux for me is around habit change from patient perspective. people are so used to going to urgent care in-person as well as calling 911 or rushing to the ED in the case of emergencies. would be curious what ways we could incentivize this behavior change for users of the service.

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I like where you're going with incentives but I'm not sure if we need to really incentivize a different behavior than helping patients reframe what they're already doing.

These days, when you have an emergency - you're probably starting to google "urgent care near me" - I think owning that search space and directing folks into a trust-worthy experience that allows patients to start self-triaging and ultimately accelerate an in-person intake if an in-person experience is needed is one way to nudge folks there. Incentives could be looped in over time to help connect urgent/emergency <> primary/longitudinal care by having patients coordinate their own care maybe in a more mobile-optimized experience

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Clinical insight matters a lot here, which I obviously lack hahaha. Thanks for sharing, this makes sense. Interesting to think of patient behavior flow and how important things like page ranking become

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